
If you find a person's q so irritating, why do you take the time to answer it?

by  |  earlier

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That is a huge contradiction, why would you give an irritating q the time of day? I know I wouldn't.




  1. I only answer if there's not many others that interest me.

  2. I usually don't answer, but then sometimes i'll answer just to get 2 points.  

  3. i usually just don't answer them or i only answer to tell them to go away.

  4. I don't answer them.  I feel if anyone is so desperate for points they answer anyway, that's their greed.

    Personally, I pass over those irritating qs like they aren't even there.

  5. I don't know.

    Maybe it's the need to point out the irritating asker?

  6. Good point, but there are several reasons why someone might do it.  They are...

    1. They might be spoiling for a fight or argument

    2. They may feel strongly about the issue or topic being asked about, but hate the way it is being presented and/or asked.

    3. Could have some sort of physiological reason that urges them to do so just because something snapped inside, either when they saw the question or because of something that happened earlier that day.  In other words, they could be crazy.

  7. i totally agree, some are born idiots

  8. Because.......








  9. It's all about getting de two pointz, Dragon thinks.  You still gets two pointz if you answer a qwestion with "I don't know" or "yer dumb" or some other stupid answer.

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