
If you find a spider that might or might not be poisonous what do you do?

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how do you help a person when they have been bitten by a poisonos spider when there are no hospitals around?




  1. This might help -

  2. First Part Simply suish it.

    Second Part try to cut off the circulation and apply pressure to the bitten area. Still Call 911 (or 919 in Europe) and follow the directions.


    Some cardinal rules apply to persons that have been bitten by, or think that they have been bitten by a venomous spider. Above all, if you are bitten by any spider, and actually catch the spider in the act, always capture the spider for identification by a qualified arachnologist. Never discard a spider that has definately bitten a human. In the case of the hobo spider, not only is positive species identification important, but so is a determination of the spiders s*x and age; these factors can help predict the severity of potential poisoning, and assist the attending physician in charting a course of treatment. Preserve the spider (or whatever parts of it remain) and take it to the clinic with you. If you suspect that you have been bitten by a dangerously venomous spider, see a physician. Most suspected spider bites in the United States turn out to be other conditions. The vast majority of spiders are harmless and beneficial.

  4. If it WAS poisonous, what hospital would you go to?  Call them.  I lived in a village with no hospital, but the nearest hospital always had a plane ready to fly out in case of an emergency.

  5. I cannot answer the second part of your question.

    the first part: stay away from it. if it makes you uncomfortable, kill it.

  6. Take a closer look to identify the species.

    Second question .. apply first aid.  First aid depends on the species.

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