
If you finish collage at 16 can i get a full time job

by  |  earlier

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some tell me how to spell collage if you have a problem with it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. If you graduated college at 16 you'd know how to spell college...and no, you can't.

  2. I had a more than full time job over summers while still in high school. I think i was 15.  I had a full time technical job - computer programming, summers while in college, and part time while in school.  It's not a big deal.

  3. Oops, you misspelled "college" again.  And yes, I believe you can have a full time job at 16.

    Since you asked, the correct way to spell it is as I wrote it above - college.

  4. Doogie Howser did it! Seriously, though yes but I have the feeling you are just asking (collage?)! Good luck!!

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