
If you fit your bike with a trike kit (no mods), do you have to get it registered as a trike?

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  1. It will always stay registered as a motorcycle.

  2. How do you make a two wheeled vehicle into a three wheel vehicle without any mods???? Just curious.

  3. The trike industry is changing just like the custom industry has. Harley has just introduced their Tri Glide trike built by Lehman so you can bet they will do all in their power to s***w the rest of the industry. Some companies are now supplying MSO's with their kits BECAUSE some states are recognizing kits as modifications and ergo want them re titled. The old days saw trikes like side cars... as an accessory, so no need to re title. Those days are over, and if you read the 2006 EPA rulings correctly, ANYmodification that changes the way a bike was when it left the showroom IS illegal. Check with your state DOT.

  4. Here as long as the frame VIN # is stock it stays the same. If trike kit changes the frame you need a new title unless older than 1966. If kit is bolt on (you can easily change back to two wheels) it is not considered a mod according to the County Clerk's office. (Fremont Cty., Colorado)

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