
If you forget to confess a sin, is it still forgiven?

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If you forget to confess a sin, even a mortal sin, is it still forgiven? I'm a (Roman) Catholic and sometimes I forget to confess some of my sins in Confession. Are they still forgiven? I'm not saying I committed any mortal sins but if I did and forgot to tell the priest, would they still be forgiven?




  1. I love this question because it highlights how absurd the whole forgiveness concept is.

    Does God know your heart or doesn't He?

  2. Of course, but mention you forgot it by accident in the next confession. Sometimes you might even end your confession by simply saying: & for any sins I may have forgotten.  

  3. If you believe in God, and believe Jesus Christ died for your sins, and have asked Him into your life, you can get down on your knees right now and confess your sins to God. Most Catholic churches have taken the confessionals out of the churches. You don't need the Priest to confess your sins to, you have God 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to confess your sins. First you humbly confess your sins to God, then you repent which means to turn away from those types of sins and not do them again, and then ask for forgiveness from all of them and God is faithful to cleanse you and give you grace and mercy from all sins. This is not to be taken lightly. Don't do this if you really don't mean it as God knows your heart and whether you really mean it. Just know that He is always there for you. You don't have to visit a church and tell a pastor or a priest all your sins. He will hear your sins right in your own home or wherever you are. I hope this helps you.

  4. We ask God to forgive all of our sins, He doesn't require us to keep track. He knows them all, it's the condition of the heart He looks at.

  5. Yes it is forgiven. That's why I always end my confession, with, and any and all sins that I may have forgotten.  Of course if you remember it later on, it would be good to go ahead and confess it anyway.

  6. Yes, sins you forget are forgiven, but if you remember later it is still good for your soul if you confess them.

    I write my sins down so I don't forget them and just take the list into confession with me.  

  7. Yes,

    They would be forgiven unless u intentionally meant to "forget" them!

  8. If in your heart you are sorry for your sins, God understands. Be thankful what we have a wonderful GOD!!!  He know what you've done, and he knows that you're sorry.  He is smiling down upon you. Don't worry!

  9. yes they are autimatically forgiven that is why Jesus gave his life on the cross so we wouldnt have to confess every single time we sin .

  10. The only way to be forgive is to ask God for forgiveness and not do it again.  What's the point of asking for forgiveness when tomorrow you're gonna do the same thing.  Other than that... asking God for forgiveness is always enough.

  11. It's important to write down your sins before you commit them as afterwards you may forget.

  12. I guess so, but I think you should confess right now. Just pray and confess right now. Do it.

  13. Yes but you must confess it again at your next confession if you remember it.

  14. Yes, if you truly forgt and didn't mean to hide it purposly.  It's forgiven if you remeber bring it up the next time, bt yes it is forgiven

  15. you can just pray to Jesus and only Jesus alone to forgive you of your sins.

    just as long as you try your best not to commit that sin again, He will always forgive you.

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