
If you found a puppy at your door on your porch what would you do?

by Guest64646  |  earlier

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it has no tag.




  1. Every time we found a dog in our backyard, we took it to our vets.  She would find the owner, or home for it.  People were always dumping dogs on us because we had a fenced back yard, and lots of dogs.  I guess they thought we wouldn't notice one more dog.  They usually have 30 days to claim their dog.

  2. Take it keep it and take them to the vets to get them checked out.

  3. Call local vets, check the paper to see if any one is missing the dog. I  would make every attempt to find the owner because if someone kept my pitbull I would die. Princess is my world..:(

  4. Report the found dog to the humane society but keep it at your home at least temporarily.  If the owner cares enough about the dog they will phone the humane society to see if it's been found.  Then the humane society will phone you.  If they don't phone you within a day or two, I would keep it or find it a new loving home.

  5. I would bring it in and feed it post found dog poster's around the area, and put her up sites if nobody claimed her in a few days I would take her to the vet to make sure she isn't sick, then once everything has checked out I would wait a few weeks before having her fixed, and trying to find her a home, but that is just me I just dont like to call the pound on any dog, and we have had some people actually throw a pitbull puppy that was skin in bones in our yard, we gave her love and attention and vet care, until my sister came down for a visit and she took her home with her and she is doing great, we also had a pitbull rottie mix tied to the gas meter in the back of our yard, we kept her for awhile and my uncle took her, mostly they have only been given to family.

  6. Take it to the vets to see if it's microchipped.  If it wasn't, I would try to keep it, while I put out ads and flyers.  If I couldn't keep it, I would have to take it to the SPCA :(

    I've had animals that got lost, so I know how it feels.   I would never just keep an animal without trying to find the owners.

  7. take it to the vet, get it checked over, see if it is a missing dog and other wise i guess it is yours to keep... lucky :p lol

  8. keep it unless i could find the owner!

  9. take it to vet

    post fliers.

    or keep it.

  10. bring him to the vet to see wat problem he has and then keep him or put adds

  11. first i go to the vet and check for shots then i would make sure if anyone was missing a puppy i would put up lost dog signs and if nobody claimed it i would keep it  

  12. well if u can keep the dog put up flyers and call all vets/shelters around your area.then set a time limit like for example when we found a dog we brought it home fed it and called all vets/shelters then put up flyers.we decided if no 1 claimed him in 10 days wed keep him.if som1 contacts you saying its his/her dog,ask for ideantification such as vet bills,papers,or even somthing like eye color or a detailed description of the dog.if u cant keep him wait the 10 days then take him to a no kil shelter

  13. Put up found signs at various places a lost dog owner might go.

    Contact local vets and the humane society, hopefully someone will claim him, if not.....looks like I got a new puppy!

  14. I would put a "found dog" ad in the paper, ask the neighbors, etc.   I really want to say that I would take it to a shelter, but I wouldn't.  I would find it a good home.

  15. Ha Ha! To be honest it's already happened to me (the little guy was scratching the window) instead of doing the right thing  and posting up pictures of the puppy I must say guiltily we kept him until he himself found his way back home  a week later which turned out was right across the street!

  16. i'd get locked in my room cause my mom says no more pets, but i'd try to find the owner. most ppl around have dogs, and new puppys are always poping up.

  17. Keep it lucky! But I would also take it to the vet.

  18. i would keep it

  19. I'd take it to the vet or shelter to check for a micro chip and get it checked up if it has no tags. I'd put up posters for as long as a month or two and if no one calls up I'd take in the dog.

  20. keep the dog because it has no tag and wait for a report about a missing dog. If it happens to be that same dog, just give the dog back.

  21. First I'd check for tags. I'd then call the local animal shelters to see if anyone has reported a missing puppy. I'd then go to my vet and have him scanned for a microchip. I'd then post posters about a missing puppy.

    If all leads fail, I'd probably keep the dog.

  22. I would contact the local Animal Control or shelter to try to find the owner. I would take a picture and give it to the shelter to put on their found animal page and offer to foster the puppy until they found the owner. I would put an ad in the local paper saying Found puppy. I would watch for lost dog posters in the neighborhood. There is probably a heart broken person out there looking for the dog.

  23. take it to the vet and keep it or give it to someone.......i have enough dog at my house, even though we could have more.....170+ lbs newfoundland and a 55 lbs brindle pitbull

  24. put up signs, if no one claims, KEEP HIM!!!

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