
If you found money what would you do?

by  |  earlier

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I was going to do a research project on this at one time (altruism is the basis of it).

If you were in a department store (pick your local one) and you found money-- what would you do?

First let's start with if you found $1.00

What about $25.00

Then let's jump it up and say $200.00

*You have not seen anyone around looking at if they lost money.

* You find the money in the clothing department on the floor.

Be honest, no right or wrong here and I am not judging you, just curious!




  1. $1.00 I would keep

    $25.00 Return

    $200.00 Return

    I would want someone to return my money. I would want to keep it but dont think I could sleep at night if I did :-)

  2. I just found a wad of money the other day, but had no idea as to how much it was because I didn't count it.  I handed it in to the nearest cashier and said that someone had dropped the money.  About 5 minutes later, an elderly couple rushed back in the store and were looking around on the floor.  The cashier asked if she could be of help and they told her that they had dropped a large sum of cash.  She asked how much and they said, $500 and she handed them the money I brought to her.  I was raised to believe that dishonesty in small matters is not a small matter...I would turn in any amount of money because I would want the same thing done for me.

  3. If I found this money in my pocket, then I would go buy something to eat.

  4. keep, keep, keep.

    Finders keepers, losers weepers.

  5. me something i need and say thank you...

  6. I'd keep it

  7. I would keep it.  I've done worse.

  8. If you have a piggy bank,you should put it there.

  9. $1.00: Put in my wallet.

    $25.00:Put it in my wallet. Later decide to go to that cafe next to the department store and buy myself lunch.

    &20.00:Put it in my wallet. But an outfit-not at the department store.

  10. If it was in a store, then you may want to ask the fron desk or check-out to see if anyone was looking for their money. Otherwise you shoudl keep it.

  11. Sounds like a pretty good day in my books.

    I wouldn't hand it in, I mean do you honestly expect anyone you have given it to would actively seek to find the person who lost it?

    If I decided I felt guilty then I suppose I could give it to a good cause.

  12. $1.00 buy a coke

    $ 25.00 gas

    $200.00 put in the bank and or invest it to either double and or triple my winings; So if a person comes back later on in the week I cant still return him/her money and still have my money.

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