
If you found out, your Granddaughter friend was doing acid?

by  |  earlier

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Would you still let them be friends? I said find some new friends and now I'm being told I'm unfair! Too bad, find some friends who want something out of life.




  1. hey, i think the best way to take control in the situation is not to control who she sees but to let her know why you would be concern.

    you should sit down with her and calmly tell her that "honey, when i found out that your frds are doing acid, the first thing that popped into my mind is you. i'm not saying you're doing acid, but i know teenagers are facing tons of stress these days and peer pressure as well.. you know i love you ... you're practically my daughter... honey, is there anything i should be concerned of? you know, regarding this situation?"

    let her know how much you love her and how concerned you were that she might be influenced or pressured into doing something harmful to her body. do research on the net regarding the side effect and effects of acid, then ask her if she knows what acid could do to her body and mind. educate her about drugs and let her know that it is ok to be curious, but if sth is harmful, you'd much appreciate it if she'd come to you for answers.

    you can't just tell teens what to do, they wouldn't understand, so u have to communicate and explain to them!

  2. How did you find out? Did your Granddaughter come to you about this? Maybe just maybe your granddaughter can be the one that could bring her out of this. I'm sure your granddaughter is smart enough not to do drugs. If she came to you and told you, she might be looking for for you to tell her how she needs to help her and not to leave her in this time of need. There are ways to let the other parents know with out everyone knowing who told. The parents do need to be told. There is a reason this child is doing drug. Talk open with your granddaughter and she'll keep coming back to you with problems, that you maybe able to help her with. It is very hard to the times of today, keep on it but don't be to pushy, you don't want to push her away.

    It is very good to see a Mother/Grandmother on there that really cares and loves her Daughter/Granddaughter.

    Keep up the hard work and it'll pay off in the long run..

  3. its not the grandmother deal to control her duaghter duaghters friends. if you love your granduagher tell her and preach against acid. but this is for the mother to handle

  4. You cant really stop her. Sorry you may have her best intrests in mind there isnt anything you can do. Even if you forbid her she will find ways. And once she has them (the ways that is) you wont be able to protect her anymore!!  

  5. I would definitely have a chat with the parents of the other girl, and sit the girls down together, you have to be tough and stern.  Coming from someone who has been addicted to drugs, i wish I would of had that person in my life to sit me down instead I avoided everyone, and messed up bad but that was years ago.  So..... talk and don't judge or accuse that just gets them to close up and feel attacked.

  6. i would let the girl's parents know. and if her parents are concerned and taking steps to correct her behavior, i would let them be friends. but if the parents have no problem with her using drugs, they obviously are a bad influence on her and would in turn be a bad influence on the grand daughter.

    *edit* are you your granddaughter's guardian? if not, i would let her mother handle it and trust that she is able to do what is best for her child.

    *edit2* then by all means, you are doing the right thing to be concerned. like i said, if the behavior is being corrected, then they should be allowed contact, but if not, your grand daughter is your responsibility to keep her on the right path. good work, i wish more parents were this concerned, rather than just ignoring issues like this.

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