
If you found out your wedding/engagement ring was fake would you demand a new one?

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If you found out your wedding/engagement ring was fake would you demand a new one?




  1. not really I'd just be p*ssed I was lied to and he didn't come to me and say he couldn't afford a real one


  2. no i'd probably shove it in his eyeball

    no, just kidding. but i would reject him  

  3. Nah... I'd just say "What the h**l cheapo!?!"

  4. No ..............but eventually i'll demanded.

    i would give him 2

  5. My Fiance Wouldn't Be Stupid Enough To Do That.  :)

  6. I would say, "Thanks. I was worried you wasted a lot of money on this, but you didn't need to lie."

  7. if they said it was real i would disengage them for being a lier and cheapskate

  8. No....if it was given to me & the person thought that it was real..then believe me what is behind it means far more than a tiny detail like 'fake' diamonds.


  9. I realized mine wasn't real when I accidently licked it and it tasted like cherry....

  10. Yes, demand another one.  Also, make sure it has "I am shallow and materialistic" inscribed on the inside.  

  11. YES

  12. Nah, instead I'd let him wonder if I was only kidding when I said that I may have been a boy at one time.

  13. duh!!

  14. I'd just demand a new man


  15. if they lied. and i was kinda in the situation. my man lied about where he got the ring. and he to this day wont admit it. but i know the truth

  16. ummm.......... YES!  

  17. h**l YES!!! after 10 years of marriage and 4 kids, i better have the real deal!!!

  18. I would think my wife or fiance was deceptive and that means I can not trust her.  Weddings off, and if we were married already, I would expect her to explain herself completely and find out what else she lied about.  Perhaps insist on a lie detector test

  19. I'd take it back to the jeweler and demand that they give me a new one or my money back.  

  20. not at all...that stuff doesnt matter to me.

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