
If you found poetry and stories written by you daughter would you read it?

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If you found poetry and stories written by you daughter, would you read them? and if you did would you be offended if the things you did (or didn't do) were in them?




  1. No, don't read them.

    Alot of people use poetry, stories etc to express themselves, let what's on thier mind out and stuff. Poetry is a personal thing and so if she found out she'd be upset, if she didn't it's just not nice. My sister also writes poetry to let her feelings out, she's shown me some, but i know not to invade her privacy. It's like reading her diary or something lol. Don't do it

  2. Rule one in my book is NO, their things are theirs.

    unless,  their lives are going in a bad way and maybe drugs or toxic crowds ,only then would I read one to see if it had anything and maybe just two lines.

    Each should know their boundaries and be honest, then this trust that you are seeing is there wouldn't even be a question. Nice wouldn't it be.

  3. Well - speaking from experience here...  I picked up some papers in my college sons room and seen he was writing a story...  heehee.

    I did start reading it until I got to the part when the girl came home with him and "things got hot"...  embarrassed I replaced the papers and never even cleaned his room after that.  NOT to mention I never said a word but had to view him as an adult from that point on - he was over 21 so it was a MYOB thing for me.

    Good Luck - Is still your choice but after reading you may have to ==


  4. Don't read them they are private things of hers and she may or may not say things that maybe she was thinking at the time but done necessarily ring true today. Thoughts are thoughts nothing more. You may be hurt by what she says and she would also be if she found out you read them.

  5. h**l no! That's wrong reading into your daughters privacy. Basicly shes writing about how she feels and what goes on. Dont read it! If you have then, your a bad parent!

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