
If you found your child's journal lying around would you read it?

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Would you ever snoop through your child's room? I don't think I'd do either of these things. Just curious to see what others do or would do. If you wouldn't normally snoop, is there any reason that would make you snoop?




  1. No. Children should be trusted unless given a reason not to be.  

  2. Probably.

  3. I dig in my daughters room all the time - looking for my hair clips that just magically end up in there!  HA! I must say that if I had a reason to look, then maybe I would..but I have seen her "journal" before but have never had a reason to open it!  I really don't want to know what boys she thinks are cute and which teacher is giving her h**l this year.  If she has a problem, she has no problem coming to me and talking about it...I guess that is why I don't feel the need to know what's going on - because I already know what I need to know.

  4. the only time you should look into something like that is if you are concerned about weather your kid is doing drugs or something that could hurt them. and if you look in it and dont find what your looking for then leave it alone. and dont talk to your kid about what they wrote, its private and even if they write that they hate you it could have just been a bad day for them.

  5. My mom respects my privacy. Sometimes if she thinks there is something wrong she will read my journal.

    She never goes on my MySpace page or anything like that.

    But if she had a good reason to, she WOULD.

  6. You can take this any way you want... how much heart-ache, how many crimes, how many suicides, drug/ alcohol addictions, pregnancies, (get the idea?) could have been prevented if parents would "invade their child's privacy?"

    I say (using proper wisdom/ discernment) any good parent that loves his/ her children will do anything to be sure child is safe and out of trouble. Even if it means to "snoop."

    Would that child have been molested if I monitored his/ her computer usage? Would this child be addicted to drugs if I went through his/ her stuff now and then? Would that child be missing if I insisted on knowing where he/ she is going (or maybe if I took that child there myself)?

    Are you understanding my message? These days the are way too many reasons to "invade your child's privacy." They'll hate you for it. They may never trust you ever again. But, you know what? At least you'd have the peace of mind that your child is safe and out of trouble.

  7. I don't think I would've wanted my mum to read my journal. I'm 19 now and I talk to her about EVERYTHING - despite that I moved overseas when I just turned 18 and have been away from her ever since - but when I was younger, especially around 15-16, I would've been pissed as h**l if she read my journals. I wouldn't even show her the poetry I wrote (that she was always begging to see, because I got published in local mags/newletters a few times for the better stuff) for the same reason.

    The only time my parents ever came into my room when I lived with them was to find something (usually the phone), or if we had guests coming and I wasn't home to do a quick tidy up in there.

    On another note, I had my journal read by Homeland Security officials when I got detained coming through customs as I entered the US, and I have never felt more violated. They had little reason to detain me in the first place, and even less to search my bags and read my journal!

  8. Well Im a girl and I probably would be annoyed if my mum read my journal. If she thought I was upset and was worrying about me then I wouldnt be too peed. But for no reason - definatly don't do it.  

  9. No. cuz if the child catches you, he'll lose your trust.  what are you bout to?

  10. Tempting but no!

  11. I wouldn't, unless I have a reason to be suspicious.

    It's an invasion of privacy otherwise...

  12. depends if her moods have recently changed or if she has become withdrawn and won't talk to me.

  13. I wouldn't read it.

    But not out of a respect for privacy, but because of a complete and total lack of interest in the inner workings of a teenagers mind.

  14. No, because i would trust myself to know that i raised the child to know right from wrong, and if he/she knows right from wrong what reason do you have to search their room, i would not be afraid to be caught because obviously i would be doing it for a good cause but if i saw my child doing something i don't like, like smoking or just heard a convo that is stressing them out i would talk to my child and explain that i saw him/her doing it or stressing about it and say I'm going to help them with it or through it or what ever 'cause obviously they have a lot going through their mind would snooping through their room and telling them what you found help?


    I wouldn't think twice about it. I'm a parent.  

  16. IN A HEARTBEAT...I also read their myspace page...and Text Messages.

  17. I would, only if I had a reason to.  If I thought my child was in some sort of trouble.  

  18. of course, thats the way of parenting.  

  19. i don't think i would go snooping through their room, but if it were just laying there, h**l yes i would. there are no secrets in my house.

    my house, my rules

  20. I would be tempted but I wouldn't do it.  Everyone deserves some privacy and to break your kids trust is a horrible thing

  21. Unless i felt that my child's behavior waranted it I wouldnt read it. if i suspected drug use, s*x or destructive behavior my answer might change. But i do belive a child is allowed to have the privacy of a diary. I wouldnt allow my children to read my diary and I wouldnt feel right reading theirs.

  22. If I found it "lying around", absolutely I would. My daughter would never leave something like that lying around, so if she did I'd suspect it was a cry for help.

    If it turned out not to be, I'd put it back where I found it and say nothing.

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