
If you freecycle...?

by  |  earlier

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what is the most you have given away and do you have a "schedule" for freecycling...meaning once a week, month ect...Happy Freecycling!




  1. Whenever I have someting to give away I freecycle.  I don't have a set schedule.

    I usually give away one item at a time or 4 to 5 several related items.

  2. Probably the most expensive stuff I gave away were two old "project" jeeps my ex left behind. Neither ran very well, but they were probably worth several hundred dollars each.

    In terms of quantity, every once in a while our group has a "free for all" which is like a free rummage sale. Last time I packed my car full of outgrown clothes, knick knacks, discarded toys, magazines, you name it. Most of it went away! For example, I had three sweater-type boxes full of odds and ends - fast food toys, hair ribbons, just plain stuff, and I had less than half a box by the end of the day.

    No, I don't have a specific schedule of when I post stuff. It happens when I uncover a new pile of unwanted stuff.

    One thing I do: Every time I post a "wanted" for something, I try to compile what I have to move out, and post an "offer" post with that list. It seems fair to me - if I ask, I should also give.

  3. I look for stuff on freecycle and Craig's List all the time if I am in need of things!  They are great websites!  As far as putting items on free cycle I don't have a schedule, just when I have "junk" to get rid.  lol
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