
If you gain muscle does it make you run slower?

by  |  earlier

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i have a real good 40 time right now but i need just a little more muscle because i can only bench 135 and im 14 and i want to bench more but will it make me slower if i gain more muscle




  1. it will make you faster and stronger

  2. I'm pretty sure it will make you faster, not slower because if you are working out your muscles with weights, you're also working you muscles when you run.

  3. No, it will make you faster and stronger.  People say it makes you "fatter" but really muscle weighs more than fat.  So if you get done with how much you wanna bench and you step on the scale, you are going to be heavier than you were before....but its muscle, fast muscle.

  4. muscle makes you run faster, but not too much muscle, running is powered by muscle so do the math

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