
If you gain muscle on your bicep will it look disformed and ugly.?

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Im 16 and got a cross on my bicep and i noticed that im gaining muscle and im not sure if my tattoo will look all stretched out and ugly if i keep on gaining muscle. The Tattoo is kind of big about 3/4 of my bicep.




  1. No, it won't. Now if you eat like a PIG and DON'T work out, then you could have a problem.

  2. depends how it is positioned. It may stretch a little, but chances are it will look fine.... because you are 16 and have 'stuborn muscle' so your bicep wont get that big.

  3. That's kind of the great thing about tattoos. They are a part of the skin, not simply underneath it. As your skin stretches, so will the tattoo. This doesn't mean it will get deformed or damaged, it means it will actually form to the shape of you body. Unless you suddenly become Mr. Olympia, yeah, you may have a problem.

    The only times that tattoos can get really damaged, is during periods of super-rapid growth, like pregnancy or puberty type growth spurts (which, of course, should not be a factor with a tattoo). At the very worst, if you get really big, you may have to have it touched up to make it darker as it expands.

    A tattoo is actual ink particles attached  to the dermis, so as those particles get separated due to growth, you may just have to fill in the areas in between. Take a magic marker and draw on a balloon, then blow it up. Same idea.

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