
If you gave a relative Power of attorney for a particular matter and that person saves it ...?

by  |  earlier

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and uses it again without your knowledge to collect money that rightfully belongs to you. Is that ilegal and how could you find out if it was reused?




  1. As long as the Power of Attorney stated an absolute particular matter and not just a generic remark like, " I allow this person to handle my financial decisions".. then yes it IS illegal.

  2. If you gave a POA for a particular purpose, it isn't valid for any other reason (as long as it states what it's for).  For example...  If the POA states that it's for selling your house while you're on vacation in April, the relative can't use it to apply for credit cards in your name in January.

    What you need to make sure of is that the POA states exactly what it's purpose is & how long it's valid.  If you get a general POA & then give verbal instructions as to what it's for, the relative can use it for what ever reason & you'll be stuck.

  3. It's legal if you gave them financial power of attorney.

  4. If it's an open ended power of attorney and they are acting under permissions you granted them then it is legal.

    That's why I always suggest putting a time frame on any kind of POA. I gave one to my folks (for medical decisions and such) who took my oldest daughter across the country last summer and limited it to 30 days.

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