
If you gave birth, or going to?

by Guest66683  |  earlier

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What was the first thing that crossed your mind. The VERY first thing. I am so interested in what you said or thought after you had JUST given birth. And for those of you that are pregnant, what do you think your first initial thought will be or what you will say. And why?

Can you guys give me a star? :) I haven't had any in a while. :(




  1. Well, the first thing I said was "Is she still a girl?" I could see she was healthy and breathing fine, so my first thought was her gender.

  2. My first thought, "Thank gosh thats over!"


    I was just relieved the pain was gone, but at the same time I was exhausted. Then, I thought where's my baby?!?

  3. I cried, I had a c-section and my mother was with me since my Husband was in Iraq. She cried too. After I composed myself I just wanted to talk to him and hold my new baby girl.  

  4. After 20 hours of labor (2 hours of pushing) my absolutely gorgeous baby girl arrived. Well, when her head came out I remember thinking, "YES! The hard part is over! The rest is gonna be easy." Then they put her on my chest and i was so overwhelmed with exhaustion all I could think about was how relieved I was that it was over and the pain was gone!' After that I was in a daze so I just looked at her... I know that she had a perfectly shaped head (no wonder she took so long to come out!) and a full head of swirling hair. And she just looked at me, then they took her, cleaned her up and gave her to my husband, and she screamed her head off! He was crying like a baby. To this day, she is the most beautiful child I have ever seen. I am so blessed!

  5. My sister had an emergency C-section.. her first words were, "Is he out yet?" You can't feel it I guess.

  6. I said i cant believe I'm doing this, and then when i was getting ready to push the nurse came in and cleaned my up because i pooped and i said did i just ****?lol and when my daughter was being born the first thing i said when he head was out was does she have big ears!! cause her daddy has big ears and everyone including the doctor started laughing at me and said no shes beautiful

  7. I will probably be cussing up a storm, lol and I have to go through this soon! But im sure once I see my little boy I won't even be paying attention to the pain, who knows though....

  8. Hi I am currently 38 weeks, and I cannot tell you what I will feel like when I give birth as I dont know what to expect really, but I will let you know when I have had my baby everything that I felt and experianced lol, we will see in a few more weeks.  

  9. With my first daughter, my first thought and the first thing I said was, "Is it a boy or a girl?!" I knew she was healthy because she came out screaming! With my second daughter I thought, "Is she breathing?" I had problems with the pregnancy and they took her early. She wasn't crying when she was born and she was slightly blue. With my third daughter I thought, "Oh my gosh! Look at all that hair!" She didn't have just a headfull of hair, she had a headfull of long hair! Her hair was about 3 or 4 inches long, long enough to run your fingers thru it!    

  10. well after being induced and in labor for 10 hrs. they decided to give me a c-section. and i was so drugged up that it didn't seem real and my husband has me video taped saying, "is it real?,is it real?" that's all i could say.

  11. "Am I really doing this?"

    I was at my 39 week appointment and my doctor sent me to be monitored. After 3 hours of that they decided it'd be best to induce me because I had high blood pressure and Noah's heart beat wasn't doing so well. So it was unexpected! Then, after being in labor for 16 hours and not progressing, they told me I needed a C-section. I was so exhausted I don't even think it registered so I was like "Oh, okay". Lol.

    He also wasn't breathing when he came out so I was thinking "BREATH baby!" But when I saw him I fell completely in love.

  12. I had a c-section and my doctor said UHOH so the first thing i wanted to do is make sure she was ok ( she had cut her forehead becuase my daughter never dropped and was still really high) after that i couldn't beleive how beautiful she was.  

  13. Ashley's answer made me almost cry! God bless you guys for what your husband is doing! :)

    As far as what I thought, I don't remember. I do remember with our second, after her head was out and I was pushing her shoulders out I shouted "Oh SH*T!"-the pain suprised me a lot... our first I had had an epidural and didn't feel anything, so needless to say, the pain was very startling.

  14. Actually I cried because my husband was in Iraq and had left when I was 6 mos, so I was sad he missed it, but we also had been told we were having a little girl and I ended up with a little boy, so as soon as I saw him I thought he was just beautiful and I cried and said I need to contact my husband so he knows we had a boy.

  15. With #1:  "She has your nose."  Said to daddy standing next to me.

    With #2:  "That's it."  He came out in three pushes and I was feeling great and couldn't believe it was already over with.  

  16. My first thought (and it was out loud) was "oh baby don't cry!" as they placed him on my chest. Then it was "holy cow, I'm freezing!"


    I had an epidural so it wasn't "omg ow!"

  17. The very first thing I thought and said was Id do that again! LOL

  18. As soon as my daughter was born they pulled her out and tossed her on my stomach and while at first I couldnt really see her since they were rushing to wipe the gunk off and get the mucous out so she could breath, (and i had tears so that made it even HARDER to see! LOL but when I came out of the shock I remember saying "O my gosh she looks just like you!!" (looking at my husband) and boy did they look alike! It looks like he had her and they had nothing to do with me!! LOL seriously but now at 8 months she is starting to look like me :) and after they weighed her she was 9lbs, I said (very loudly) shut up weigh her again!! lol the nurse just looked at me like seriously? I think are scales work hun!! haha I will remember that day for the rest of my life thats for sure!

  19. "Oh it really is a boy and look how tiny he is". I had some skeptism about the whole gender-ultrasound thing so I was relieved to find out that he was in fact a boy.  

  20. I screamed "Oh my God!  My baby!" and I started to cry LOL.  Then they put her on my belly and she moved her head backwards and looked up at me and her Daddy.  She didn't cry at all just stared and stared and stared.  I think she cried twice, once right after coming out and stoped to stare at everything and once when her bum had the first p**p.  The nurses couldn't believe she was so quiet LOL.  I'm hoping my next one is like that.

    My favourite thing of babies is the newborn cry.  My daughter cried A-LAHHHHH! A-LAH-HEE it was so cute.

  21. the first thinq i thot was 'wow is she really a qirl??'

    then when they put her on top o me i thot she was sooooooooooooooooo beautiful.

  22. With my first baby my first thought was to find out the s*x. We decided to be surprised about the gender and I had a c-section so it took longer for the doctor's to tell me than I'd have liked. I kept asking if it was a boy or a girl and finally the doctor said, "It's a boy!".

    With my second baby we found out ahead of time that she was going to be a girl. I couldn't wait to see her face because I knew what my boys looked like and couldn't imagine what our baby girl would look like. To my surprise, not really, she was a girl version of her big brother. I was amazed at how much she looked like her brother :)

  23. I was in shock! I thought I was going to cry, but all I could do was smile and say "oh my gosh! oh my gosh!" over and over again. It didn't seem real, it felt like I was in a dream.

  24. My first thought was "that was it"  It took 4 pushes and he was here.  

    My next thought was "is he healthy"

    Now I'm expecting twin boys.. So I have NO IDEA what I'm going to think when they enter the world!  

  25. first baby - "oh my gosh shes huge and beautiful" haha i couldn't believe she came out of me!

    second baby - i actually yelled (out loud) "i hate you josh!!" right as she came out...and we got it on film to..

    third baby - "let me see her" "oh she is soo cute" then i started crying i have no clue why...

  26. The first thing that came to mind after my first two was SLEEP!! I'm sure after this one it will be the exact same!! I am sleepy already and only a couple of months along.

  27. I love this question! I've actually spent a lot of time wondering what my initial reaction will be when I have my baby. I think my first thought will be to see if she's ok, then is she actually a girl, then I'll want to hug her so hard I'll be afraid of squeezing the breath out of her!  

  28. The very first thought that crossed my mind after all three of my boys births was " he's beautiful", seriously there is nothing like seeing your child for the first time, it is heartwarming.

  29. I felt relief that it was over (pregnancy and birth). I couldn't see straight because I'd been pushing so hard- they put him on my tummy after he was born, and I felt his squishy hair and said "my baby, my baby" like 5 times. Then they wisked him away and he was making weird sounds and they said he couldn't breathe, then I got really worried and they took him away. They put an ice pack on my crotch after they stitched me up and I passed out while waiting for husband to figure out what was going on. It felt like a dream, like I was in a fog.

  30. honestly I cant really remember coz she wasnt breathing even though i didnt know that straight away and it seems like such a blur now but i think i remember thinking "wow its so purple and red" only because i didnt know what s*x she was and I honestly didnt think she would be that colour, its such an overwhelming experience that once you go through it you will realise that u think the strangest things, I also thought "did that really just come out of me?"

  31. Um i think i was in shock so it took me a min to speak.. but once i came to i just looked at him amd said hi!! as he looked back at me!! I didnt pay attention if he was a boy still.. i just kept looking at him and could not believe what just happened! Also with my lil girl this time around i know more of what to expect so i think well i hope i will be able to react better right away.. unstead of bein in shock..

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