
If you get C's at a community college will you not be able to transfer to a 4 year college?

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I'm working towards an associates degree in engineering and am beginning to get more c's in my classes. If I get my degree, but still have c's in some of my classes (certainly not all), will I not be able to get into any universities? I'm mainly looking at 3 schools, University of Illinois, Southern Illinois (E or C), and Eastern Illinois.




  1. You simply need to meet the minimum entrance GPA.  If you're applying to a competitive program in a university (and engineering is always one of them), you will need a HIGHER than minimum GPA to be admitted.   Note also that some college major programs will not accept a "C" as passing a course within their requirements.

  2. Many, if not most, schools will want a minimum GPA of 3.0 for transfers, so you can have a few Cs, but you need to balance them off with As.

  3. It depends on the class. How does it compare to courses at the new college? Was it as in depth? Sure for undergrad.

    In post graduate education however they won't accept anything less than a B.

  4. no not necessarily, it really all depends on what  the minimum GPA requirements are at the univs you want to get into, also keep in mind that your grades aren't the only thing univs will be looking at (essays/extracurrics as well) but with that said, obv your chances of being accepted would be higher if you had a high GPA, but don't give up, everyone's situation is different..

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