
If you get a Tattoo in pure white ink, will the sun change the tattoo at all if you tan?

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Would the tattoo itself change at all as a cause of exposure to the sun? Example being if I went on holiday and got really tanned, would the tattoo alter? I'm just a bit worried about it...Sorry if it's a silly question...




  1. I don't think it will fade with the sun but just ask the tattoo person and ask him or her.

  2. Unless it's very small I wouldn't recommend an all white tat. They don't always heal evenly, they fade quickly and they hardly show up at all unless you're very pale (bizarre but true - ink is seen under the skin, so the whiter the skin, the whiter the ink).

    The tat will tan, the same as the rest of the body - it's still skin. But if you're serious about tanning, then a tat is not a good idea at all. The fastest way to kill a tat is to expose it to a lot of sun. A white tat will be ruined after 2 summers of sun exposure.

  3. No, as long as you wait until the tattoo is healed.

    You have to wait at least 2 weeks before you expose yourself to the sun.

    If you go out and get a lot of sun before your tattoo is healed,

    a lot of bad things can happen, so just make sure you wait until it's healed.

    And you will be fine.

  4. My tattoo artist says to wait a good 3-4 months before letting a new tattoo have prolonged sun exposure. Also, it's really not a good idea to ever do it if you want the color to stay bright and not start fading. If you must tan make sure that you apply sunblock with a high SPF to it or even try to cover it (if possible depending on where you get it).

    I have a tattoo on my back and tanned for a couple months one summer (using sunblock) a few years later and it did fade quite a bit. So when I got my next one I decided not to tan at all's been 6 years and it still looks brand new.

  5. The sun will fade and damage any tattoo. Unfortunately, white ink never stays around too long on a tattoo--it tends to fade within a few months.  

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