
If you get a comment on Flicker do you look at that person's stream to consider the validity of their opinions

by  |  earlier

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especially if they are negative?




  1. yes, i do...and their profile...

    and their contacts sometimes... i don't know if i've gotten any really negative comments though

  2. Yes, of course.  Well, not on Flickr since I don't post pictures there.  But I have a blog where I post paintings.  I always look at the profile and blog of the person leaving a comment, good or bad.  And if it's a lame comment and I don't respect their work either, then I disregard them.  Or try to, anyway.

  3. Ohh, I didn't get a negative one... yet.  

    I suppose if that happened I would have a look. And in that case I'd be very pleased if I found that their images were terrible ! snicker snicker !

    Tell us who they are and we'll go and put the heavies on them.

  4. Just ignore them. It's the internet. WHO CARES!?

  5. i almost always check the validity. Especially if the comment is negative. in any case, I have never considered ignorance to be a bliss. and if they fail my test at least i can write a rebuttal comment or sent them a privet message outsourcing them and telling them they're wrong.

    this might be especially easy if they're comment is not an opinion but some unsupported fact they came up with just to be mean to you.

    remember that you can never know too much. so look things up!


  6. I do.  I don't get many hits to my work on Flickr, mostly just my group that I already know.  Not too many "strangers" making comments there on  my work.  I don't visit many portfolios myself there, though.  I consider my "real" portfolio to be on Photo/net.

  7. hasnt happened to me yet on flickr, it would be nice if we could do it on y/a

    sounds llike a jealous fool if they are negative about your work, having  seen it I think your work is fab and wish i could produce the same standard


  8. I always did, before I set my pictures to friends and family only.  I can't recall getting a negative comment, though.  Did someone leave you one?  That's just nasty!  When I don't like someone's work, I just move along.

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