
If you get a dog from the animal shelter?

by  |  earlier

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and you take it back cause it would jump and knock people down but then later get another dog and find out it makes you sneeze so you take it back does that mean you can only get dogs for the newspaper now and not the shelter?




  1. Your reason for returning the first dog was really poor.  It was your job to be Alpha Pack Leader and train the dog to not jump on people.  So that was your problem.  Dogs, like children, must be trained to know what's ok and what's not ok and it's the parents fault if they don't teach the kids/dogs properly.

    Returning a dog for allergies to the dog is acceptable and beyond your control.

    Only the shelter can tell you if they'll allow you to try again.  We don't know the limit of their patience. -!-

  2. it means that you're not ready for a dog yet. you should read up more and start learning about responsibility

  3. i worked at one of the local humane societys in my city.

    and you wouldnt belive the reason why people leave their pets.

    i think that you shouldnt have a dog. Maybe when u grow up.

    he was jumping on grandma. o my god so what he wasnt trying to kill her.

    anyway just try not to get ant pets cause even a gold fish might look at you grandma the wrong way and i dont want for a little fish to end up in the toalet

    and yeah the shelter wont let youget another dog. They probably think you just playin by now. How can u be alergic to one dog and not to another. it makes no sence.

    In that time they were at your house they probably would have been adopted.

    U just wasted their time.

  4. When you visit a shelter to adopt, spend some time with the animal to see how it reacts. Older dogs tend not to have as much energy and sometimes are already trained to set, stay, and etc. The first dog you adopted needed exercises and training. If you plan on adopting another one, think about what size, temperament, and how long you can spend with it a day that fits your lifestyle.

  5. you need to understand that by getting a dog from a shelter, it may not be as trained as youve hoped. maybe look into the breed before getting the dog to be sure of any allergies. you should be prepared to spend alot of time with the dog for training. why would you give a dog away for jumping? teach it not to!!!!!! ppl take a dog to a nice home away from the shelter, then return it for jumping?!!! i feel sorry for that dog. dogs are a huge responsibily and it doesnt sound like your ready for one

  6. Get a dog from the shelter. Millions of animals are euthanized every year. If any bevahior problems, do not take it back, do research on how to correct the problem or hire a dog trainer. If you don't want to do this, then reconsider getting a dog.

  7. why did you take the first one back? did you think it was going to come pre trained? well its not. you are going to have to spend time training it or dont bother getting one.

  8. It means you shouldn't get another dog. Obviously you aren't ready for the commitment involved. Training would have fixed the first problem, and if one makes you sneeze, others can as well... plan on discarding them so easily as well?

    Where is the love?

  9. Sounds to me like maybe you shouldn't even consider owning a dog. If you can't take the time to train an animal not to jump on people, then don't even bother having one. Dogs are the most awesome companions on earth. They love and respect unconditionally, and they need their owners undivided love and affection. They also need guidance, just like any other creature on this earth. You can train a dog not to jump, but you need to know how. Don't get another dog.

  10. If you're too lazy to take the time and effort to train the animal, and they make you sneeze, then may I suggest that you don't bother in future? It's not fair on the animals. Why don't you get a goldfish?

  11. Maybe you shouldn't have a dog in the first place. Every dog has problems. You need to train it not to jump up on you. What makes you think that getting a dog from the newspaper will be any different than the shelter ones?  

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