
If you get a lizard bite during pregnancy, should i call the doctor?

by Guest58310  |  earlier

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If you get a lizard bite during pregnancy, should i call the doctor?




  1. only beaded lizards and gila monsters are venomous so ........ if its not one of those south western and mexican lizards  relax. dont worry about salmonella you can only get it by ingesting f***s.

  2. nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... silly!!!!!!!!!

  3. They carry salmonella so it probably wouldn't hurt to see what the doctor says just to be safe.

  4. for the most part no. just use a mild antiseptic to reduce chances of infection. in truth if you follow proper hygiene you are more likely to contract salmonella from a kitchen, devouring slightly undercooked chicken or some similar culinary masterpiece (badabapbotulism- im lovin it :P) than from a healthy reptile purchased from a reputable source and properly cared for.  in short, you should be fine. of course, we are assuming this in a captive sense, if either the Mexican  beaded lizard or gila monster had bitten you you  would be in too much pain to validate that claim. I'm quoting some breeder, i cant remember who, " they wont kill you, built it'll d**n sure make you wish you were dead"

    good luck

  5. Only if it broke the skin and becomes infected. Keep it clean and you'll be fine.

  6. You should be fine if you haven't been bitten by a poisonous lizard. If that doesn't help try calling a pet store for information on your pet.

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