
If you get a modem for a internet provider do you have to have a router??

by  |  earlier

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My mom has the WORST internet provider and i want to get Netzero and i was wondering how to hook up the internet like if u need a modem and if u do do u need a router to go with it??




  1. Net Zero is a dial up connection and requires a standard phone/fax modem.  You do not need a router unless you wish to share the connection to more then one computer.  

    Be advised, sharing a dial up connection is not as simple as sharing a broadband connection and requires different hardware.

  2. you would only need a router to distribute the signal of your internet connection. or if your building a network.

  3. if you are using a desktop and don't wanna use wireless, a modem is enough.

    if you want to use wireless, you have to get a router unless the modem is a router/modem device with wireless.

    if you have more than 1 computer that needs to hook on to the internet at the same, a router is needed.

  4. If your mom has just one computer, then no router needed.  Just hook up the modem and away she goes.

  5. actually modem means "router"

    if your isp provide wired or wireless modem ,you still don't need a router for multi user access just need to set up networking.

    but you can still use router if you wanna do ,but that could be money wasting ,still you wont get any benefit!!!!!

    or do not request for isp modem if its worst and get your router instead of that modem,you will get username and pwd you put in that 3rd party router interface,that will be cool!!! and cheap in money stamp

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