
If you get a urine test (not for drugs) if it's in your system does it come up anyways?

by  |  earlier

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So, I have to get some blood work and whatnot done, and a urine test. And it's not for drugs, but if it was in my system would it come up anyways? Because though I didn't do anything, people behind me were at a Warped Tour date I went to and I'm paranoid that I breathed in the fumes and it'll come up and look like I did something.




  1. ummmm no. they have to be in ur system...if u breathend it its only going to be in ur lungs. not in ur pee

  2. No, it will not show up,unless, the test is specifically ordered to test for drugs.

    A normal, routine urinalysis or blood work will NOT pick up any illicit drugs, narcotics, steroids etc. There are special tests to check for such things. So, you can relax. The fumes will NOT reflect in the urine or blood test.

    I hope that this is helpful.

  3. You should not have drugs in your system if you only breathed them in. Not sure though...

  4. 1. It depends on what you're being tested for. Generally they have to tell you what it is that they're looking for in your urine. If they were going to do a drug test, they would tell you, or you could just ask and find out that way.

    2. Contact is a myth. If you were not the one smoking, it will be in your system at VERY VERY low levels and probably would not show up anyway. If you are not a regular user, it would probably take your system a day or so to purge anything that you may have breathed in.

  5. no, it probably wouldn't show up.

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