
If you get an erection for over 4 hour what harm does it do?

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If you get an erection for over 4 hour what harm does it do?




  1. It can cause gangrene due to the lack of circulation.  Go to the emergency room ASAP.  You don't want dead tissue there, or worse an amputation.

  2. i don't know how it would last for that long...

    but i don't think it would do any harm unless you felt actual pain.

    ask a doctor?

  3. dont run into walls....u'll breaK UR NOSE =)

  4. An erection is basically your body building a dam to block the escape of the blood that's pumping into your p***s... and that means that your p***s isn't getting much oxygen (from fresh blood supply) when it's hard.

    It does get *some* oxygen, so normal erections that last even three hours are perfectly safe(although they're inconvenient and uncomfortable as h**l)... but by the time 4 to 5 hours have passed, all that tissue is becoming seriously hypoxic and cells are beginning to die.    Another few hours, and so many cells have died that tissue necrosis may have begun and there's a very serious risk of gangrene.

    Short answer?

    An erection that lasts much more than four hours can cost you your p***s - or worse - and it's *vital* to get to a hospital if it ever happens to you.

  5. harm infections and other stuff of the sort but look at the brightside 4 hours of FUN!

  6. Priapism is a very serious medical condition as the p***s was not designed to remain erect for that long in the absence of stimulation.  If untreated it can result in blood clots, tissue damage and damage to the blood vessels - all of which can lead to problems achieving and maintaining an erection later.

    Seriously - this is nothing to joke around with.  More than four hours = needing to go to the ER.

  7. You know how they tell you not to overeat and such cuz it will stretch your stomach, and then when you have to lose weight  you will have all these stretch marks cuz of it? Well thats what you would have after 4 hours--stretch marks!!! And it will make you go blind!

  8. uh..well youll have all your blood in that specific area..

    but i don't think it does anything

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