
If you get fired for attendance.. can you get unemployment.? has anyone gone through this before? I would like?

by  |  earlier

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to find a way to get fired where I can receive unemployment so let me know... because my manager is garbage and when I go above her instead of listening they automatically take her side.. this is a corporate firm so if anyone has worked for corporate before you know how that is..




  1. If you're boss is treating you unfairly or treating you bad and you're feeling stressed because of it, go see your family Doctor. If he feels it is truly causing you stress and affecting your daily life, he can place you on stress leave. You get the same benefits as if you were laid off etc. That way, you could find another job while on stress leave.

  2. Unemployment is there for those who work hard but aren't able to make it NOT for those who purposefully get themselves fired.

    If you really had a problem with your manager, you would find a different job instead of trying to get paid to sit on your butt.  I think the problem is  your work ethic.

  3. Fired employees can't collect unemployment.

  4. If you are fired for cause--such as absentism--you CANNOT collect unemployment.

    If you don't like your job, FIND another one.  

  5. Never go over your immediate bosses head.  You brought a lot of your problems on yourself when you did that.  You have two choices;  keep a smile on your face, shut your mouth, and sweat it out; or find another job and then quit.

  6. can't you go to HR and try to get another position in the company?

    what are your workdays and hours?  what kind of work do you do?  can't you find a second job on the weekend and in the evenings?  even if it is a c**p job, there is no gap in your employment and you can have new employment before you quit ...

    you can also go through sites like and manpower who can help get your resume out there and even set up phone interviews during your lunch break and have face to face scheduled for the day you quit ... and don't say you don't get a lunch - the law requires it ...  if the company does not allow you at least 30 minutes for lunch, you can file a grievance with the local employment board ...  if they fire you immediately after you file a grievance, then you have grounds to take them to court for unlawful termination ...  get a hold of the employment board and find out your rights before you do anything hasty, though ...

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