
If you get kicked out of the Army do you have to payback your bonus check?

by  |  earlier

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Recently about 4 people in my unit got kicked out for failing a drug test. I was wondering since they are no longer apart of the Army if they have to pay back the bonus checks that we received about 3 months ago. If it makes a difference the checks were $7,000.00 and my unit is getting ready to deploy in about a month or so. Thanks




  1. Yes they have to pay back the Money because they did not fulfill their commitment

  2. yes yes yes....they will take it back for sure. and if he owes time for the classes he was paid for they can  take that money back also. and yes he did just s***w up his life

  3. Friend of my brothers failed a class in college, which was being paid by his G.I. bill, military made him pay back the funds for the class he failed. So in short, you s***w the military, they s***w you over twice as bad.

  4. THey can take money from you yes.  They can't make pull money out of your pocket that you don't have.  They can however take any future earnings plus leave time you have to pay them back.

    Edit for further clarification after the comments below:

    In this case, future earnings apply to what you have coming to you.  Not money you'll get after the Army or saved in an account.  I've never seen the Army take that approach.  They only touch the money they have control over.

  5. Oh you bet they do.  

  6. You bet your sweet *** you have to pay it back.

  7. Yes they do also, they must pay for their first uniform set (the only one the army will give you).

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