
If you get married by the justice of the peace does it cost money?

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If you get married by the justice of the peace does it cost money?




  1. Some  do  not  charge  you  anything  but  you  have  to  give  a  donation  or  a  gift...........same  thing

  2. yes there are still fees involved

  3. yes, we got married by one and it was 150.00 Call and ask their fees

  4. Yes, but not a whole lot of money. Which by the way is a good idea, then you can pour your money into the reception.

  5. Yes. I was married by a judge, its not a-lot but it was some money. I think like $175. But my daddy knew him, so I am not sure if that was a deal. He also provided the marriage license.

  6. yes

  7. Yes. Someone I know got married for $100. It just differs from place to place. Research it for your particular city or state. =)

  8. A justice of the peace can charge you anything they want. But they shouldn't be unreasonable.

  9. in's $80

    And thats in Phoenix, AZ

  10. yes,  I think its like $60 - i could be wrong though!

  11. Yes nothing is free. If you get married by a minster you usually just have to give a donation.

  12. Yes.  You still have to pay for the license and then the JOP usually charges a small fee - which will vary from JOP to JOP.

    I used a JOP in Virginia who charged $50 for the service.  My license was only $30

  13. of free lunches in life...

    the marriage license costs, so does the JP's fee (all officiates have fees of some kind) and there may be filing fees for the papers after the ceremony in order for the marriage to be registered (and it has to in order to be legal & to receive proof of a legal marriage-the marriage certificate)....the county office that issues marriage licenses can tell you the town or city where you plan on getting hitched....fees vary.

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