
If you get more than one misdemeanor can it add up to be a felony?

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I heard that if you get more than three misdemeanors it could turn into a felony charge is that true?




  1. man, are you just stupid or what.......h**l no.....but if you are going to do something illegal, at least make it worth it you petty criminal...........jeeeeezzzzz

  2. Depends on how you want to look at it.

    In California, your second petty theft charge (petty theft normally being a misdemeanor) can technically be charged as a felony under some circumstances.

    Your 4th DUI (DUI normally being a misdemeanor) will be a felony in California and can be a felony in at least one other situation based on past convictions.

    Depends on how you want to look at it and depends on the law of the jurisdiction you're asking about.

  3. No, but in some jurisdictions it can be sentenced under different guidelines if there are several misdemeanors at once.

  4. That depends.  Technically, no.  However, if over the course of time you continue to get the same charge, then the level goes up.  For instance, getting a DWI is a misdemeanor, but once you have had two it becomes a Gross Misdemeanor, and the fourth one is a felony.

    Not all offenses are like that.  You could get 100 disorderly conduct citations, but they would never become a felony.

  5. NO

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