
If you get off probation by doing your time in jail, can the D.A say?

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that you can't do further work in able to become a narc for charges already pending

Okay if that doesn't make sense:

Say your on probation you do the time, then when you get out of prison your off probation, one district attorny already said yes u can do work after you get off probation, and the other D.A that was for the other cause (thats the reason your on probation) says if you don't pay this money back and do your class's to get off probation that you can't do work...IS THAT I guess my question is even though its your RIGHT to be able to get off probation if need be .& once you are can they say no you can't do work now..???




  1. Usually after you serve jail time, you are still on probation until your sentence tells you so. When you are given a sentence, you are at that time told how long probation will be. Usually you must serve 2/3 of this time before you can petition the court to get rid of your probation. Sometimes though you can petition the court earlier, like after 1 year of serving probation to get a different kind of probation, like an unsupervised probation. The D. A. will try hard to not let this happen, but a good attorney can make this happen if you so desire. Of course it does take money to do this.

  2. I don't know, because trying to read this babbling nonsense gave me a tumor.

  3. Umm, this question makes no sense.  For one thing, DA's prosecute cases until you're sentenced.  Once you've been sentenced, they have no real say on your case (theymay be able to write angry letters to parole, but that's all).  Also, once you've been sentenced (do your time), you've already been terminated (badly) from probation.  You're not placed on proabtion for cause, you're placed on probation because that's what you've been sentenced to.

    "even though its your RIGHT to be able to get off probation if need be"

    Actually, you have no right to get off probation - you have a responsibility to do what probation tells you to do or you'll get sentenced; also, practically speaking, your rights are yours and not based on "if need be".

    Finally, if you are promised something in return for your doing something, you can't get the benefits of what you've been promised without doing your side of the bargain, even if they gave you your benefit first, which is extremely unlikely.

  4. What do you mean, "do work"?  Do you mean snitching or getting a job?

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