
If you get pregnant on March 28th can you have the baby on January 31st,or its Decemeber 31st?

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January too long huh? the baby would suffocate right....and cause stillbirth




  1. december- and it wouldn't be suffocating- the placenta will slowly stop providing enough nutrients to the baby- but there has been cases of extremely long pregnancies with babies surviving- the longest pregnancy with a surviving child was about a year!- baby only weighed 3 pounds something

  2. I don't really understand your question...

    But I got pregnant on March 29th and I am due the week of January 4th.

  3. it would be sometime betwwen the two, but closer to then end of december early january.

  4. I got pregnant in March two times, Baby born Dec. 26 & Jan. 3. You should be due on Dec. 31. Good Luck!  

  5. Take the first day of your last period and count forward 42 weeks if you are a first time mother. Best wishes, G

  6. The pregnancy calandar is figured according to the first day of your last menstrual cycle (conception actually occours at about 2-3 weeks)...

    My last period was April 1, and Im due Jan 6.

    If you're figureing according to the date of conception, then it would be before Dec 31... probably more like sometime mid-december.

  7. google pregnancy calculator and go to one of those sites and type in the information (march 28) and it will give you the due date.

  8. I m thinking December 31st : )

    good luck

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