
If you get pulled over by the police do you have the right to remain silent no matter what they ask you?

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If you get pulled over by the police do you have the right to remain silent no matter what they ask you?




  1. Yes you do.  But, just as any right, your right in so doing could just lead you into bigger trouble.  

  2. not really because you also have the right to defend your self, but don't go over the top though.

  3. yeah you got the right to remain silent. if they ask you for your name and other type of identification questions. and you fail to answer you may go to jail.

  4. In my state, you agree upon applying for your license to give your identity and required info (proof of insurance and vehicle registration) to an officer when it is requested.  Of course you may remain silent so long as you produce the required info.

  5. When you  studied for your drivers license did you read anything about implied consent?  I don't know about your state, but we pretty much have to agree to it while operating a vehicle, so it might need looking into.  Have a good evening.

  6. Yes you do.

  7. No you don't. The only time you have the right to remain silent is when you are being investigated for a criminal offense. A traffic offense is not criminal. You are required to provide documentation as asked by the officer as well as providing your personal information, name d/o/b, etc.


    If you are being investigated for a crime and do not feel free to walk away from the officer, you are in custody. You don't need to be handcuffed, just detained. The officer must read you your Miranda Rights, prior to any questions he may ask. If you choose at that time not to speak to him you have that right.

    Never withhold information on a simple traffic stop, you can be arrested for concealing identity. Hope this helps

  8. Yes.  Even if they ask you to simply slow down

  9. NO! Traffic citations and stuff like that doesnt require any miranda rights. Some people think they have to but when it comes to traffic fines and dui they dont have to because they saw everything rist hand. If you dont comply they will arrest youmuch lie if you dont take a breath a lyzer test

  10. I'd say only if he was arrested then he would have the right to be silent and not talk to the cops..

  11. Bad co. is a SMART chick.It is called implied consent and if you are operating a motor vehicle you do not have the right to remain silent.

    If you don't believe me, try it and see what happens.

    Prepare ahead of time for a 100$ pr bond to bail out of jail.

  12. The right to remain silent refers to questions of an investigatory nature, such as "did you rob that store?"

    You are always required to give basic identifying information such as name, address and date of birth. You might listen to some of the retards here that will tell you not to do even that much but that will probably backfire on you.

    If I have stopped you that means either you have done something wrong or I have some reason to believe that you did. If you aren't the guilty person that we are looking for you can prove that by giving reasonable answers to our questions and be on your way rather quickly. As they say, the truth shall set you free.

    If you refuse to answer we will have no choice but to believe that you are the guilty person that we are looking for, or at least that you are hiding something that we need to know. This will result in a longer detention and possibly an arrest.

    The above applies to any stop, including our stopping you as a pedestrian. Since you mention being pulled over, if we stop you in a vehicle that you are operating you must always produce your driver license, the vehicle registration, and the vehicle insurance certificate. Driving is a privilege, not a right.

    There is no innocent-until-proven-guilty here. We don't have to prove that you DON'T have a driver license, you have to prove that you DO. The same applies to your registration and insurance.

  13. The only thing you are required to say is your name and other essential info, otherwise, you don't have to say a word.  

  14. Yes you do but if it's something minor like a speeding ticket just coporate and you'll be on your jolly way in no time.

  15. only give the enemy name rank and serial number

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