
If you get social security disability, do you get medicaid or any health insurance?

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If you get social security disability, do you get medicaid or any health insurance?




  1. Yes-BUT several years ago the republican congress and Bush made you wait until 2 years after the start of disability to be covered by Medicare.  AARP is lobbying for a change- get political!

  2. I have been on Supplemental Security Income (one form of social security for those who have not ever had a job) due to disability since 1991, and I was able to get Iowa Medicaid. Some places you have to pay like a dollar for prescriptions, $3 for eye exams, etc. but it is worth it in the long run. Since I have had it, I've undergone 3 in-patient and 1 out-patient surgeries, and didn't have to pay even a small co-payment. I do not know what I'd do without it.

  3. If you qualify for SSDI, in most states, you should qualify for medicaid or similar state-funded insurance. Each state has it's own eligibility requirements, so google your state and medicaid and see!

  4. Depends on the state you live in. If you're disabled you would get Medicare not Medicaid. You'll have to go through an application process where your doctors would have to fill out forms and you may have to see docs that Medicare assign for the application process. It could take up to 6 months.

    Also your state could have it's own disability insurance plan. Talk to your doctor about it. They'd know who to contact.

  5. I agree with the person said dep[ends on the state.I lived in Seattle and their you get medicaid and medicare and then you pay co pays.I am in Oregon now and we have 5.00 co pays per medicine...Go to your local SS building or see if it's on line as they can tell a lot on line i think.

  6. Medicare.  But it doesn't start for 27 months after you start getting SSDI.

    It's an old system, and was never updated - which is why there is a wait.

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