
If you get sperm in your hand...?

by  |  earlier

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if you get sperm in your hand and you just rinse it with water, is that good enaugh for it to go away, like i know its microscopic so does that mean that theres still some in there?

because i did that and then tuched my... so is that like ok or can i get pregnant from the leftouvar sperm?

i know its a stupid question but like i am scared




  1. chances are no- but you should use soap nexttime my guess is youre fine

  2. sperm dies as soon as it hits air!!


  3. Water will wash sperm away. Not to mention, after a few minutes in the air it starts to die. If you rinsed it off your hand the sperm was gone. Even if there was a little bit on there, after your hand started to dry the sperm would basically be killed.

    I'm sure there is still a chance...according to murphey's law, there is ALWAYS a chance, but we're talking 1 in a billion chance here.

    Don't worry about it. I'm sure the sperm was gone. After the s***n starts to cool off, the sperm starts to die anyways.

  4. you aren't gonna get pregnant... not a chance.

  5. Of course not wash them with soap and water.

  6. Nope sperm dies as soon as it hits the air. But you should def use soap. and maybe germ x

  7. No, you can't.

  8. It dies when not on a wet surface, washign it off is just fine. Use soap....No you can't get prego from touching yourself after.

  9. sperm dies after being in oxygen after a while

  10. If you still ahd it in your hand,yes you could get pregnant

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