
If you get suspended in 4th grade how does that effect your high school and college admissions?

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The colleges that I want to go to are something from the Ivy League. Also, I have very good grades. A B+ to an A- which I can improve on.




  1. you got suspenede in 4th grade you must be a bad student

  2. The suspension reflects negatively on your reputation and decision-making. You will more than likely need references depending on the schools you desire to attend. Moreover, you will be asked at some point about a difficult experience or if you have ever been suspended from school before.

    You have to learn from this suspension and make the necessary changes to do the right thing. You need more than good grades and SAT scores to get into an Ivy League school. You need to be excellent in something whether it's a school subject, hobby or an extracurricular.  

  3. I don't think that would Matter Much considering that they most of the time look at your middle school records. It would also depend on the severity of what your did if it was something minor it probably wont effect you. But some prestigious schools do look back that far so just don't try to do anymore thing that would get you in trouble.

  4. it doesn't affect anything in your permanent record.

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