
If you get wet dreams does this mean you are not a virgin anymore?

by  |  earlier

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just a question i mean i get alot, and i'm a virgin, are wet dreams bad news? i mean why do we get them? is it a sign?




  1. Wet dreams are not bad news.  In fact, they are very good news indeed.  They mean that your body is maturing sexually.  Chances are that you're having some kind of s**y dreams which you can't remember, and that's what's causing this perfectly normal and natural physical reaction.  There's nothing to worry about, dude.  You will remain a virgin until you have your first sexual encounter with another person.

  2. :`

  3. No worries. When a boy becomes around the age of I think..12 or around that age... they hit puberty.. and wet dreams are part of male puberty.. you learn about it in health. You only lose your virginity when you have s*x with another person silly. lol.  

  4. No. you only lose your virginity when you have s*x with another person. wet dreams are perfectly normal at your age, and are nothing to be ashamed or worried about. its just a sign that you are becoming sexually mature

  5. Mummy shouldn't let you stay up ths late at your age.

  6. it is becuase you dont m********e  

  7. no u idiot! did you not learn anything about puberty


  8. No - you lose your virginity after having sexual intercourse with another person for the first time.

    Wet dreams are not bad news.

    You get them because, well, some people just get them.

    It is a sign that you are a normal healthy human being

  9. I think you lose your virginity when you have s*x  

  10. its the way you body gets rid of all that extra sperm  that it has stoed

    up you don't  m********e and that a good thing id rather have wet dreams

    because this way you can s*x with out doing it with a person  your to young to have s*x and i think masturbating  a nasty habit

  11. Don't worry. It's natural, your hormones are just practising for you.  And you're still a true virgin with all your own choices to make, (while you're awake!).

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