
If you give a pig a pancake...?

by  |  earlier

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Any good ideas for a follow up activity for an inclusive preschool class?




  1. I love that book!

    Are you reading it just for the sake of reading it or are you reading it to teach the cause/effect lesson?

    If you're reading it just for the sake of reading it then I would agree with the learning about pigs activity.

    If you're reading it for the cause/effect lesson, I would suggest reading the other two books in the series, If You Give a Mouse a Cookie and If You Give a Moose a Muffin.  Then as a class you could write your own story.

  2. does it have to be about pigs??? and pancakes???? that

    other guy's surprise idea wuz good.....just give them a coice of stuff to put on their pancakes to go with it.

  3. Have pancakes with fun side dishes

  4. You'd have a blanket in a pig.

  5. What comes to mind is learning about pigs next.

    - Maybe make a pig for arts and crafts.

    - Learn some fun pig facts.

  6. give all your children a cup.

    then go on with your math lesson.

    they will all be puzzled.

    when you finish math go onto english.

    they will all be very confused as to why the cups are there.

    then give them a plate, they will be even more confused.

    ask one of your students why they are confused.

    see if they comprehend

  7. you could have the class eat some pancakes or you could get a stuffed pig and let them stick pjig stickers on the pig right after they accomplish something that has to do with the story like drawing a picture of a pig!

  8. Just to clarify, folks: "If You Give a Pig a Pancake" is the title of a children's book, and I assume she's looking for activities to follow reading the book.

    I'm not sure what kind of activities you're looking for; pre-school has changed so much since the good old days when I was there, when kids weren't expected to learn so much so early.... OK, I'll spare you that rant...  Making pancakes seems like it would be fun if you could find some way to safely involve the kids in it, but that might be too difficult...  Maybe you could get them involved in making up a similar story?  (What kind of food would they give to what kind of animal, and what would happen next?)  Or maybe they could all just play at being pigs for a while...  Kids love any excuse to make animal noises!

  9. I LOVE that book. You could have the children make pictures of all the things the pig got OR have them create new things....then do the story all over again, but have a stuffed pig positioned so that each child can give his or her object to the pig as it is read OR if they come up with new things reword the story to include their ideas. Another craft could be to have the children 'turn' themselves into pigs (not as hard as you think) for this you will need the following items:

    Ribbon-- one for each child, enough to cirlce the head like a headband (think little Sally wearing a ribbon in her hair)

    Pink,Black,White or Grey pipecleaners---these are for the ears and tail (different colors allow them to each be a unique pig or you could limit the colors)

    Stryfoam cup----this will be used to make the snout, they can make the nostrils using a  crayon

    String---to tie on the snout (two per snout)

    Clothespin----to attach the tail

          Make sure that the length of ribbon ties around the child's head and attach two ears to it (the ears are just a pipecleaner cut in half and then bent in a V shape and bend the ends of the ear around the headband to hold it on), the other pipecleaner can be twisted into a piggy tail and attached to the back of the childs clothes with a clothespin. Take a stryfoam cup and let the child(ren) color it and put nostils on the bottom of the cup (older children might want to use pieces of scrap paper and glue), poke holes on two sides  of the cup and string some string long enough to secure around the childs face or make loops to go around their ears (like a surgical mask).

    There you now have a clasroom full of piggies...just make sure they clean up the 'pigstye' when they are done.

    Have a blast.

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