
If you give your child an allowance, how much do you think is appropriate for a 7-year old girl?

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I know many people do not believe in allowances, and that's fine. Nevertheless, for those who do give their children allowances, what would you give a 7-year old girl per week?




  1. I would do $3 a week.  I know it's not that much but being only 7, she can't do too much anyways- and at 7, money is money  

  2. I never gave ny daughters an allownace, but when our Grandson stayed with us for a summer, he got $5 a week...BUT!

    He had alist of things to do, trash, clean his room, help around the house, etc.

    For every "chore" he didn't do or didn't do as good as we knew he could, 25 cents was deducted. Over a week, that can add up to quite a bit, plus he learned that to get his $5 he had to perform to standard.

    It worked pretty good.

    He now has a savings account and values money.

  3. When I was 7 My dad used to give me $5 a week! Or every 2 weeks depending on how much a month you want to give her!

  4. well it depends on if she has chores and on her behavior.i think if shes responsible and is respectful to people she deserves $5 per week.  

  5. It depends on what she does each day. I would start with a 2 dollars as base pay, and add a dollar for chores she does daily. Say she puts silverware away, takes out the recycling, and picks up toys. That could be $5 a week.

  6. 5 to 10 dollars a week because things are more expensive who would give 3 dollars?

  7. $5!!!

  8. I give my son 15-20. dollars a week but he has to earn it.

  9. How about instead of an allowance, you set a specific amount of money that she can earn by doing extra chores around the house and yard?  My niece doesn't get an allowance (she lives with us) but she can earn extra money by doing anything off of an approved list hanging on the refrigerator.  For each job performed to our satisfaction, she earns a quarter.  Yes, this may seem like a small amount (and believe me, she complains about it constantly) but it's small for a reason - to teach her to save up for the things she really wants.  

    Instead of just giving her money for drawing breath, she can earn it.

    Best of luck!



  10. $5 Dollers

  11. 5 a week or a trip to the dollar store once a week

  12. hi I'm 14 i don't think she should get any money or if she does she can't spend it she has to put it in the savings account in the bank i love seeing how much i save every month plus it earns interest but really a 7 year old should not get an allowance because you pay for her clothes her food bed the house and everything else but when i do chores like cleaning the floors bathroom mowing the lawn dish washer i also cook supper a lot and my payment is going shopping and maybe get some clothes the money i get when i go to movies with friends or vacation and other little things that come up

  13. I think about two dollars because she is only seven.

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