
If you go North, you're heading up, and if you go South, you go down right?

by Guest57247  |  earlier

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So... I mean, relatively speaking, I would get better mileage if I go south for a drive rather than going north? ;) *count's gas money*




  1. Yes, if you are left handed. But you will lose the gain on the way back home unless you have a right handed person drive back.

  2. You know, the earth is round, so it makes no difference whether you go south or north.

    If you want to save gas, do not accelerate fast and try to swithch gears as soon as possible. Also using bicycle or public transport for traveling short distances help you save LOTS of gas money :)

  3. southern gas is way cheaper than northern gas

  4. Up and down simply indicate orientation on the pages of the map.

  5. ... ... your joking right??

  6. careful  going north too fast over shoot it  might make you lose control as you head back down.

  7. As a matter of fact you do get better mileage going south and it is downhill overall.  Of course there are a lot of other factors to bias this but if you are talking about going across the country you are right.  Think about it the ocean is south of the us being the lower end of the country.  To confirm this theory:  I have driven for years from Dallas Texas up to Missouri for the last twenty years to visit my folks occasionally from home.  I consistently get better mileage when I am going back home....every time!  Except when I ran into an extended southern headwind a couple of times (rarely happens).  I do have a curious thought though during reading your question I have to do you plan to return north without considering fuel..........?

    hope this helps.....

  8. Good one but heading up (north) or heading down (south) has nothing to do with gas consumption. Your driving skills, what car, and other factors do that.

  9. Yeah sure

  10. are u serious?

  11. Whether you are going up or down would depend on the physical terrain and how you orient your map!       What kind of mileage you would get depends on the way your drive.

  12. Up and north are not the same thing and neither are south and down. Up means a higher elevation, not a higher latitude. And down means a lower elevation (or closer to sea level), not a lower latitude.

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