My sisters boyfriend went bankrupt today and they are worried they will loose the house. He hasnt gone bankrupt because he cant afford the mortgage, he can afford that no problem, its because his ex had half the house they had together and also had loans left right and centre which she left with him and there is no other way out - he owes over £60,000 and cannot pay that. The judge asked who helps pay at the moment and he said his partner (my sister) pays in to the mortgage and he is trying his best to pay a bit to the debt his ex left him in. The judge said that because although my sis is not on the mortgage deeds only her bf is they can proove that she pays in to the mortgage because there is a direct debit set up to go straight in to her bf's account which pays the mortgage. He also said because of this and because there is no equity in the house they have now they will more then likely not loose the house. Anybody else got any adbice or had a similar thing happen? Be honest thanks