
If you go out and buy an energy efficient appliance and throw out your old one...?

by  |  earlier

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does it cancel out the benefits to your environmental footprint? I mean, is it better to keep using that old oven or to contribute it to landfills? Even if you donate it, someone else is using it.




  1. Do the math.  Carefully figure the energy savings of the new unit.  Don't listen to salesmen.  Consider how long the old one will last.  If the savings is worth the cost...

  2. We live in a rural area where we actually have people that will pick up your old appliance and tear it down, recylcing the metals.  So if you do that it makes you feel a little better : )

  3. If you donate it, someone else is using it, but its one less person who will need to buy a new version of that appliance. Chances are, they would not be able to afford the upfront costs of the energy star appliance, and so would be buying a inefficient appliance anyway. If someone is going to use an energy inefficient appliance than better it be reused than built new.

    If you just throw out your old appliance, than yeah, you're being wasteful. I don't know if it cancels out or anything specific like that, but it's just wasteful plain and simply.

  4. First of all, we bought energy efficient appliances, and noticed instant savings the following month. Second, we recycled our old appliances and received money from the steel. 100% of your old appliances gets recycled in one form or another. We have now had our energy star appliances for a little over a year, and we have saved over $785...In just one year. Not to mention we received $28.94 for our old appliances. I think the math speaks for itself.

    I hope this helps. Take care & God bless!

  5. dispose of it properly. sit to the recycling center or something close. but don't throw it on the ground, it make of plastic, plastic never decompose.

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