
If you go to an international dinner party where everybody brings its own dish do you...?

by  |  earlier

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After the dinner is over and if there is food left from your dish do you take it home or leave it to the host? Which is the right thing to do ?




  1. I'd offer it to anyone who wants to take it home; however, if it's been sitting out more than 2 hours wthout being kept hot or chilled, I'd be careful about eating it.

  2. Can i come, too?

    I would offer the leftovers for the host(ess), but, of course, if it's my pan, I want to bring it home.  I would, depending on the situation, offer to help clean up and put the leftovers in tupperware, etc.  

    I'm not sure of the official ettiquette, but it always works to offer to be the more generous.  

    however, it is unusual for me to bring home anything after a pot luck.  I try to make something I'm sure will get eaten up.  I consider it a success if I take home an empty pan.

  3. Do whichever you want to.  If you want the rest of the food, or if you used your own dish versus buying a disposable dish, feel free to take it home.  I don't think that international dinner party etiquette states that you must leave your left-overs.  Sounds fun, though!

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