
If you go to an interview, you see a Chinese boss, what comes to your mind first?

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Hi I am a 23 years old Chinese man, I want to start a company and I wonder what will you think when you see me for the first time, the first impression, the first thing that comes to your mind. I give you some hints: Will you think the company is not as good as you thought? Will you think I may not have the capacity to manage the company? Will you not favor this company? And add your *own* thoughts here, please, I take your ideas very seriously.

Please tell me the truth, no sweet talkers please, the 10 points will be given to the honest, harsh answerer.

I appreciate your time in telling me your thoughts.




  1. How will I be accepted by you with me being a black man.  And how is it you guys tend to own so many stores.

  2. As long as they have an Aussie accent, I dont care what natio they are. Cause an Aussie accent means they were raised and educated here so they'll think the same way we do. If they have a bad accent, I would probably reconsider applying there.

  3. Hi,

    Different people will come with different mind set,impression and prediction.You should not take what people think about you or predicted about you in the first place when they saw you,The important thing,you should be a professional enough for all the candidates/employees regardless what their races are.

    Im working in factory culture and I had hired or interview lot of people for Technician,AE and Engineers.

    Im Malay guy,my boss and big boss are Chinese but they threat me in professional way.

    The most important thing do best for your company and thrust that every single people they have their own capability and a GOOD boss

  4. well if that would happen to me (having a chinese boss), the first things that will come to my mind will be that most likely this man is going to be on my *** while im at work, he'll make a huge a scene if i do something wrong or something he doesnt like....ummm those are the main things in my mind.

  5. hey, he's young for a boss. and happens to be chinese. who cares?

  6. I have an image of Asian people being really smart, so probably after entering the office I would be pleased to have an Asian "boss".

    About you being 23 I guess that might be a double edge weapon since being young might impress many people and you also have the ability to do and understand things that olders can't. However you should take care of your image and try to show a trustfull and experienced image so people don't think you are not capable for being that young. Btw, I am also 23 and entrepreneur as well so I really encourage you to take good care of your image (well dressed, big smile, good winner actitude)

    ....Finally, nothing that came to my mind first was really a bad thought, so you would do well with me on the interview =)

  7. I hope I can understand him when he speaks

  8. o_O

    What kind of company are you running? If it's a nail salon then I would be a little put off by a 23 year old guy running it.

    However I went for a job interview a little while back with a Chinese guy, and it didn't affect me in the slightest. He was nice, he explained the job and we had a chat, and it was just like any other interview. I don't see why his nationality would be remotely important when judging how good the company is.

    Guess I won't get the best answer now because I didn't lie and try to insult you... :P

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