
If you go without sleep for so long would you die?

by  |  earlier

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If someone was forcing you to stay awake for so long would you die in the end?

Oh i don't mean anything by this i was just curious.




  1. im not sure but

    i dont think so as i think you would probably colaspe as its a way your body tells you you need sleep  

  2. No as in the first place a human body wouldn't allow that, will faint (or sleep) automatically...can't wait you up no matter how hard they try..

  3. You would literally go insane first, but yes, you would die.

  4. yes you would

  5. You would eventually pass out, but not die.

  6. yea

  7. yes

  8. dont think you would die you would probably go crazy or something like that or pass out

  9. If you mean constantly awake I couldn't honestly answer whether it could kill you or not, BUT, there are people that dont sleep for only 2 nights in a row and because of lack of sleep they start hallucinating and what not. Its just really not good for your body at all, your body can function normally on just 2-3 hours of sleep, obviously to not feel tired you would need more but you could still function normally.

  10. Yeah it would, if you constantly force someone to stay awake for a very long time, I'm talking weeks, even if you give that person food and water they will eventually crash. First your mind crashes, then your body gets starved of rest and you start to lose control of reality and your energy. Even sleep deprived for a long time but not enough to kill you can create mental health issues. Sleep is still in research, we have learned many things and others are still being studied yet we all know sleep is as important as water and food to survive. Many P.OW.s in war have been tortured using sleep deprivation, very bad sleep deprivations, mentally its agony and eventually you'll develop something that will kill you in reponse to your lack of sleep. The only way this can happen is extreme persistence, your body will eventually shut you down, making the person making you stay awake have a very hard job. Which is why it usually works under torture, cold buckets of water, electricity and so on....thats another subject...

    Here's something I found in an article on the subject:

    "After several weeks of severe sleep deprivation, a person might start seeing hallucinations. People have died of severe sleep deprivation in as little as four to five weeks. Sleep is as essential to the body and the mind as air and water. "

    *Oh just remembered, there has been news of a few teens in asia dying from playing computer games past their limit, its usually a heart condition that makes you fall. So it can also be using a lot of energy and adding sleep deprivation that gets to you as well (addiction).

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