
If you got a chance to talk with President Bush what would you tell him?

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If I actually got chance to sit down and talk with Bush here is what I would say. When you got office a barrel of crude oil was $28.00. Now its 139.00. When you got into office people were buying homes. Now 8 years later millions of people across america are losing them. What have you done? Bank of America just reported a net loss of 41%. Wachovia Bank just reported a net loss of 8.9 Billion. The list of banks goes on. What have you done? Exxon -Mobile reports profits, not revenue of 3-4 billion every 3 months. Why give a company thats making this much money a tax-cut? Now why all of a sudden your last year in office Exxon Mobil Corp said its getting out of the retail gas business? Why now? Why has the cost of groceries doubled? Why have utilities trippled? You are a crook. You have driven this country down into recession. Everyone will stand in front of God on judgement day. When you do you will get the true punishment that you deserve.




  1. That his fly was open.

  2. buy me some jello

  3. I would sit him down and quiz him in great detail about his relationship with his father, because I reckon that explains every single action he has undertaken in his political life. Perhaps I would understand him better afterwards, and perhaps he would understand himself better too (whether he wants to is another matter!).

  4. I would tell him all of what u said  and also to go to h**l and never come back.  Bush is a total LOSER!

  5. Please. You would not say that to the president. Not many people have the guts to be so confrontational to a person they don't even know. Let alone the man who is "running" an entire country. He's not doing a very good job, but he's still doing it.

    Why ask him questions he himself can hardly answer? You know he doesn't make all of those decisions on his own. He has cronies to do his job for him. Why bother?

    Why would I go up to the president and point out all of his flaws when you are fully aware that he gets that everyday of his life. Every time he's at a press conference, a meeting an outing. He's always being commented on. In the news and papers.

    I hate to say that I'm defending him. But only on the part that I think he's been insulted enough. We know what has happened to the country since his inauguration. We know we as Americans have been lied to, and have had the wool put over our eyes.

    I am as mad as anybody as to how our government handles foreign policies and healthcare and oil. It makes me violently upset sometimes. But to vent this on a man who hardly knows what he's doing isn't going to make myself feel better.

    I would meet him, ask him how he is doing. Be very courteous, and if any chance arose where he asked me what I thought of him. I would most likely be very flustered and shy, but honest enough as to not hold true to myself as being a non confrontational person.

  6. How are you any different to Saddam Hussein?

  7. You're so smart that you should be the next President.


  8. Buck Fush

  9. GO TO h**l

  10. I would say, "Go now and go into the trash heap of history."

  11. to hand himself in to the war crimes tribunal

  12. thank you for preventing another terrorist attack and for taking the fight to them, thank you mr. president.

  13. to go burn in h**l

  14. haha ppl's answers are hilarious..i love the ones who are so republican its soo funny how they think they know evryhthing when in truth they know nothing..hahhaha im done well bush needs to go to a mental instituion..he is very dumb and cant speak properly ughhh ppl are so ignorant ...

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