
If you got a letter saying your husband was cheating for 2 yrs ?

by  |  earlier

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would you try to believe him that it was a lie? But then you caught him meeting this same girl 1 yr later, would you still let him talk his way out of it? Would you believe him? Why wouldn't you contact the "other woman"? Do you think she is just in denial? I don't know what to tell her. (married 22 yrs, 3 kids)




  1. Honey, some women KNOW but don't want to know.  Let it go!!!!

    She wants to stay married to him for whatever reasons she has.

  2. I wouldn't believe him. I mean whats the chance someone sends you a letter that you didn't know tells you all this information someone close to you would know and she would have to have your address where would she get that? I would say i don't believe you because if she was supposedly "sending it for fun" and it was your husbands friend and you confronted him and he found out she sent that supposedly dumb letter that they would still be friends. i am just showing you like a way to get a clue about all his excuses and how to handle them. If she sent you a letter and a year later she was still with him whats wrong with her don't you think a woman telling this to you would probably be looking to get out of a relationship. Ask her why she continued with him. Why she started with him. If she knew he was married all along. Ask if shes married. stuff like that.

  3. i might have believed it was a lie but when i caught him meeting this girl, i would not believe him anymore.sometimes being in denial is a form of coping with the pain.u can't tell her anything, she has to find out herself,but not facing reality will emotionally destroy u.

  4. i wouldnt believe him. and if he is cheating then something is going on, rather he wants out or something is wrong between the 2,22 yrs is a long time to just throw away. maybe the husband and wife just really need to sit and talk and try to figure this hole thing out, and the husband needs to be honest, with out making it look like its her fault cause its not her fault he messed up and was a jerk

  5. The other woman can't be trusted either...she could lie when confronted.  Either you believe him or you don't.  I tried to believe that my husband was done with his affair, but  I found emails that he had written to her.  Your husband will keep cheating as long as you allow him to do it.  

  6. I'd have to decide if I wanted to accept it or not. It has nothing to do with believing him. It has to do with what I am willing to live with. A husband that is capable of cheating and capable of being accused of cheating? Probably woudn't stay. If he care so little for embarrassing me and our family then I would set him free to do what he wanted.  

  7. you need to sort this out!

    its obviously serious if you've received a letter about it, and then as soon as your husband thinks he's in the clear he's off to meet her again!

    you need to contact this woman and explain who you are and your concerns, she may be just as hurt as you.

    An unhappy relationship means an unstable environment for your kids, they come first!

  8. I think she needs to find out weather he is actually cheating. I no if my partner received a letter saying i was cheating on her i would like to meat the person who made the lie up to work out what the h**l there problem was. Ex-girlfriend's ( and yes guys to ) can be very vindictive. Maybe she just had a crush on him and saw this as a way to cause trouble in the marriage . Again people can be very mixed up  

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