
If you got amnesia, could you start a new life?

by Guest63105  |  earlier

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Let's say you came up with amnesia. You didn't know who you were or anything and you were just out in the middle of nowhere, would you be able to start a new life, or are there ways you could be found? One way that I thought of was that if the police found you and took your prints, would they be able to find out who you were?




  1. no they wudnt

    u can change ur whole appearance move to london and then ditch everything recognizable about u and then u cud terrorize london and no one wud no who u r

  2. You could try, however, you would have to be erased from the minds of everybody that know because they all will be reminding you of who you are, what you did and where you been etc.... If you DNA is on file they will be able to tell who you are but if you don't have a record you don't have to worry about them finding out anything. You would be much as a mystery to them as you would be to yourself with amnesia.

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