
If you got it wrong and you didn't know: Should you make a public apology?

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I have just discovered something and I'm shocked to the core.




  1. Yes, always apologise if you turn out to be wrong. You will always gain people's respect that way for being big enough to admit your mistake

  2. is it you that has too make the apology?


  3. No, not unless you feel its in the publics best interests.

    If you feel the need to apologise then contact people on a need to know basis.

  4. I'm a big fan of the public apologies, so long as you made the mistake in public.

    It shows confidence, forward thinking, and the ability to accept others points of view.

    You will be surprised the amount of respect you recieve from retracting your statement and being big enough to say ok I got it wrong. Plus it gives you the chance to explain what you based your decision on, and shows why you got it wrong!

  5. Yes.

  6. if you didnt know you werent aware,but do they know you didnt know in the first place.

  7. It would depend on the circumstances. I think most things are best dealt with dignity and privacy, so I would trust your own instinct.

  8. It seems you and I both, Quirky, and i'm shocked too.

    Thing is, we may have got it wrong, but that is BECAUSE we didn't not sure about a 'public apology'..

  9. No, you definitely have nothing to apologise for

  10. More information is needed to answer. What are you shocked about?

  11. Depends what it is . And who it effects .

  12. Never apologize for anything show a little respect for yourself.If the other person can't get over it let them eat cake.

  13. I feel  one should make an apology after the knowledge of their errors, if not people tend to question your decision making or your rationalization.

  14. do whatever makes you feel better

  15. Perhaps. It takes a big person to apologize publicly!!

  16. I really need to know why your shocked to the core......Please enlighten me........

    And yes you should apologise.....

  17. Getting something wrong may be giving someone the benefit of the doubt, and no one can be blamed for that.

  18. The person who caused us to get it wrong, should be the one publicly apologising.

    As for being shocked, I am more sad for the person, must be in torment.

  19. I don't think a public apology is necessary, maybe private ones to anyone in particular who you might have upset. Not many people knew the full story so you can't be blamed for getting it wrong.

  20. If you've caused harm with your belief then yes, otherwise no but whatever you do, make sure you can look yourself in the mirror.

  21. Yeah - why not?

    Unless you're a UK MP or  a candidate for the US Presidency in which case you wouldn't even think that you could possibly be wrong!

  22. Yes it would be kind to.

  23. No, you went with your gut instinct in the beginning, why apologise for that?

    If you don't know, and don't judge, that's a nice quality.

    Don't worry.

  24. Put your hands up, as people will always respect you for doing it.

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