
If you got robbed at your job would you stay working there or quit?

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Ok so you are working as a cashier at a neighborhood store. All of a sudden, this man comes in with a gun, c***s it, puts it to your cheek and demands all the money from your register. You give him the money and he runs out. The police are called, and a report is filed. Would you quit working there or would you go back and risk your life for a $7.75 an hour job?





  2. You already know the answer to your question.  What else would you like to do?

  3. I would quit only if it is a really bad neighborhood and it is an ongoing thing to get robbed. I worked in a place that was robbed like once a week. I couldn't take it anymore. I felt like my time would be up soon if I didn't get out of there. Nothing is worth your life especially $7.75 an hour.

  4. No, I certainly wouldn't keep working for and putting my life on the line for $7.75 an hour at a local store.

    Oddly though, this is a question which as concerned me in my real life job.  I'm a farmer, on a small permaculture farm.  All of my customers come to my farm/home to purchase the meat goats I raise.  They are butchering the goats right here on my farm.  That means there are always a lot of really big knives about, and in the hand of virtual strangers.

    With new customers, whom I've never met before, I have at time openly carried.  That means I have a firearm on my hip, completely in plain view, for everyone to see.

    I also usually have a crook in my hand.  The crook is taller than I am....I'm 5'2".  It is a long rod, made of metal, with a hook on the end, looking rather like a cane.  It is for going around the neck of goats or sheep, to make them easier to catch.  The goats have made me very good, and very fast with the crook.  I could whallop someone upside the head, and jerk their feet out from under them, in less than two second, with the crook.

    Fortunatly in my job, I've never been threatend, not once, and I've been selling to the public since 1999.  

    On the local news, I saw that one of my customers was arrested for a gun crime, where he threatend a couple in a bar (with a gun).  That was shocking to me.  If someone had asked me, I would have stated he was one of my nicest customers

    The truth of the matter is, one never knows where one might be threatend with a crime nowdays.  When I was in my early 20's, I had the c**p beat out of me by three Mexican girls.  They were 16, 12, and 9 years old.  I was riding my 10 speed on a warm sumers evening (rode to the local convience store).  The girls jumped me on my way back.

    I was screaming for was a road, crowded with homes.  As I was getting the c**p beat out of me, I saw several people look out window, and turn on front porch lights...and then drapes were closed, and lights went out.  I assume they just decided it was the Mexicans fighting amongst themselves.  Some teenage kids finally came out into their fenced yard, and yelled, "What's going on."  The girls grabbed my bike, and took off with it.

    I ran to the teenagers, and begged to be allowed in....I was gushing blood (head wound).  They took me in, and called the cops, and woke their Dad up.  

    Cops arrive...and arrive....and arrive.  It was a dead end road.  I had moved into the house on the end 8 days prior.  The Mexican girls that jumped me lived in the house at the very end of the street, where you first turn in.  Turns out the cops were just looking for an excuse to bust that house.  THIRTY SIX cop cars arrive (no, I'm not kidding).  They hauled ever adult male out of that home, and there were a lot of them.  Then the drugs, cocaine, herroin, and pot started to come out, along with all the weapons.  Then all the stollen goods, from local stores.  

    The adult Mexican women knew exactly which house I lived in.  I went home after the cops had me fill out the report, gathered my two dogs, my purse, and a change of clothes, and left, miles out into the country to an ex- boyfriends house.  I called my Mother, and said, "Come get me, my life is in danger."

    Two days latter, mom showed up (armed) with her armed boyfriend, and loaded me out of the house (still packed, thankfully)  and took me back to the other side of the mountains.

    At that time, I'd been living on my own for over five years.  People need to know when to stand and fight, and when prudence is the better part of valor.  Being the reason for a major drug house being busted means your life is in danger...time to go.  

    You need to figure out what the risks are to your life, and what risk you personally are willing to take.


  5. I wouldn't work anywhere for $7.75 an hour.  Your getting ripped off.  Join a union, make good pay.

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