
If you had $10,000 and unlimited resources to help anyone, even a stranger, what would you do?

by  |  earlier

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For those of you who found my "unlimited resources" mistake, what I meant was unlimited ACCESS to materials, within the $10,000 limit. Sorry about the mistake!




  1. Wouldn't having unlimited resources indicate that I have a tad more than 10k to work with? Money, after all, is just another resource; a prime resource, but a resource nonetheless.

    Further, with unlimited resources, it seems one would be able to help EVERYONE however they need to be helped.

  2. Thirty years from now, your 10,000, if invested properly could be worth 50-100k dollars.  I would set the money aside, and invest it, possibly in a mutual fund.  You may want to look into target maturity funds.  Down the road, you will have much more money to donate, and you will have all that time to figure out who to give it to!

  3. 10.000 would help pay off some of my daughter college or get us into a house or apartment out of the hood .. but i'd probably help pay for a house package for habitat or maybe put it in the bank and every year take it out and donate the interest to a food bank or the local ex-newsboys shoes for kids they buy coats and clothes for children for school so they can go and be warm

  4. I will first find out their problem and what area they need help.  Helping someone need not be monetary only, it can be in other ways... for example offering helps in area like education, skills training, physical aids or even emotional support will solve their problem better then simply giving them money.

  5. I would help the elderly in my community who need food and medicines.  I would want to ensure they received all the meds they needed.  As so many go without their meds even with the so called new drug plan Bush came out with.  Get a van to drive them to and from their doctor appointments.

  6. i wld give it to my mom so0 she cld pay of some debt

  7. uhhhh...if you had "unlimited resources"  wouldn't you have more than 10K?

    Perhaps you should take the time to think about your question before you post it?  This really does not make much sense.

    Try again?

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