
If you had 10 Acres what would you do with it?

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I live on 11+ acres in Northeast Georgia, we have not decided what to do with 10 of it. Looking for ideas from growing specific/unique crops for profit to a charitable cause or something extreme and fun. What would you do?




  1. I would plant fruit trees.  I lack yard space and can't plant all the fruit trees I'd like.

  2. Oh, wow - if I had 10 acres I would start breeding some llamas for wool and show (love llamas). Assuming it would be ok where you are, I would want to grow organic artichokes and garlic and tomatoes, and roses. As for the charity aspect, it would be great to grow potatoes, carrots, yams (root veggies) to give away to the local food bank. They keep well over the winter.

    I can't wait to hear what you will do with your acreage!

  3. Well considering every bit of land out here is over-built on to the nines, if I even had the chance to own that much land I would build my dream home on it. I'm a rather simple person and I don't need a lot of things.

  4. How about wild flowers and Perennials? You would benefit the environment and possibly create a viable business.

  5. well i live near a city, so if i had 10 acres i would make a mini farm, grow crops and have chickens etc and invite inner city kids to come along and see how things are done on a farm

    sadly a lot of city kids do not understand that vegetables grow in the ground etc, and giving them some hands on experience might just inspire them, even to grow some herbs in a window box

  6. I know what I would do with 10 acres!  First I would build my dream home (small but completely functional) and a small horse barn..large enough to house two horses and a few alpacas..with storage for hay and feed.  Then I would landscape the yards with natural slate walls, and walkways. Planting a majority of native plants with a few non-native ones mixed in.  Next I would plot out my vegetable garden (over 1000 square ft of it..for fresh use and preserving for winter).  I'd have a fair sized chicken coop with Barred Rock Chickens.

    ~I would raise enough produce to sell some and take some to the local food bank .(which I already do...)

    ~I would have enough chickens to keep me with fresh eggs and have enough to sell.

    ~I would have enough pasture land to support enough alpacas to harvest enough fiber to spin and make alpaca fiber items..which I would sell

    ~the horses would be for my enjoyment and a source of fertilizer for the garden.

    ~I would also have a section of the land where I would grow evergreen (spruce or fir) trees for use in making my evergreen wreaths and holiday decor (something I already do..)

    Basically...the land would support itself...

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